China Announces Discovery of New Espionage Case in the United States

Source- Goggle
China Announces Discovery of New Espionage Case in the United States
PC Google

On Sunday, China announced the discovery of a new espionage case in the United States, revealing that they are investigating a Chinese national suspected of espionage for the United States. This case has been transferred to a court in Chengdu, a city in southwest China, where it will undergo legal proceedings.

This incident highlights China’s increased focus on national security, as well as its expansion of anti-espionage laws and efforts to combat internal corruption. The individual in question, identified only by the surname Hou, was employed at an undisclosed defense institute. He was sent as a visiting scholar to a U.S. university in 2013. During his time there, a televised program on China’s state broadcaster, CCTV, exposed that he had been coerced into disclosing sensitive information related to the Chinese government. This recent revelation sheds light on the ongoing challenges and concerns surrounding espionage in the global arena.

In a statement posted on their official social media account on Sunday, China Announces Discovery of New Espionage Case in the United States. The Chinese Ministry of State Security stated that “espionage activities are deceptive and conspiratorial in nature.”

According to CCTV, Hou was introduced to an individual who was, in reality, an American “intelligence officer” operating under the cover of a consultancy firm and had close ties to Hou. As their friendship grew in the ensuing months, the intelligence officer proposed that Hou join “his company” as a consultant, offering a regular payment based on his excellent performance.

In recent years, following the detention and imprisonment of numerous foreign and Chinese nationals on espionage suspicions, the United States has been concerned about China’s retaliatory espionage campaign.


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